throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back: a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
(anaïs nin)
The tenth task of “Start Where You Are” is accompanied by that quote, which happens to be one of my favourite quotes ever. Dreaming bravely is such a big thing for me. And having an open heart and an open mind. Essential ingredients for an authentic life.
Anyway, the the tenth task is:
Write down your favorite, most daring dream on a spare piece of paper. Fold it up and put it inside a glass bottle. Throw it into the sea.
Ah, the practical problems of SWYA…
I’m far, far away from any ocean. The nearest body of water is our big lake, which is not very big at all.
Also, tossing bottles into the lake is generally frowned upon here. Not just because littering is bad per se, but because bottles can break, and then people or dogs can step on shards…
In other words, I had to come up with a different solution for this task.
As a compromise I ended up folding a paper plane and writing my wish on the inside. Then I took my plane to the lake and threw my dream into space. It promptly did a nosedive into the water a few feet away from the shore.
Oh well.
But I’ve accomplished the tenth task!