Tag Archives: Europe
And thus fearmongering and hatemongering pay off. Nationalism and xenophobia win once more.
Bye, Britain. Sadly, there’s really nothing about you that’s “great” anymore.
This is a very dark day for all of Europe.
Filed under satismagic
Yesterday was European Union Day.
Also known as Schuman Day, EU Day celebrates the historical declaration by French foreign minister Robert Schuman in 1950, which proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community… the first of a series of supranational European institutions that would ultimately become today’s “European Union”.
I haven’t seen a single post celebrating Europe – the unprecedented decades of peace and all the economic, humanitarian, and cultural benefits we have been allowed to enjoy thanks to the European Union.
And that’s pretty devastating.
Filed under satismagic
What is lost is lost forever.
For 60 years the European Union has been
the foundation of peace
between European neighbours,
after centuries of bloodshed.
(The posters by the artist Wolfgang Tillmans can be downloaded so you can use & share them!)
Filed under satismagic