No matter what holidays or holy days you celebrate,
no matter if you feast under palm trees or icicles,
this year (again)
many things will be different.
You may be stuck at home, you may feel alone.
You may be struggling
instead of juggling
(gifts and dates, dates and dinners),
instead of hugging
(friends and family, near and far).
even this year,
– no, especially this year,
here are my wishes for you:
May your days be filled
with warmth and wonder,
with healing and happiness,
and much

And I hope you like the cards I did not send to you, because I donated the money instead:
- to the Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. for the protection and the support of Bavarian wild cats
- to Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Deutschland (Doctors Without Borders Germany)