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Books 2015

screencap of the Goodreads 'My Year in Books 2015' page

I have read 89 books or 21,385 pages this year (besides fanfic and the books I had to read for work and the stuff* in my Feedly)!

*And I’ve read lots of “stuff” this year, that is essays and articles and interviews and blog posts from various sources this year. My favourite sources have been: The Advocate, The Atlantic, Brainpickings, PsychCentral, and Psychology Today. (An honourable mention goes to Arts & Letters Daily and The New Scientist.)

Apparently reading a lot is a side-effect of a shitty year for me. At least something?

And Mighty Mads tagged me for a meme a few weeks ago, so I better actually do it now!

rules: in a text post, list 10 books that have stayed with you in some way. don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard – they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. tag 10 friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them!

All right, I’ll list ten books I’ve read this year that have stayed with me.

I’m not tagging anyone, but I’d love to read your takes on this, so go ahead and make my day and do this meme!

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Tanka #10

Instagram of an old pair of sneakers walking means rhythm
steps and heartbeats form progress
what does falling mean
to lose myself or my way
or that it’s time for new shoes

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SWYA #10

Instagram of a paper plane on a blue quilt

throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back: a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.
(anaïs nin)

The tenth task of “Start Where You Are” is accompanied by that quote, which happens to be one of my favourite quotes ever. Dreaming bravely is such a big thing for me. And having an open heart and an open mind. Essential ingredients for an authentic life.

Anyway, the the tenth task is:

Write down your favorite, most daring dream on a spare piece of paper. Fold it up and put it inside a glass bottle. Throw it into the sea.

Ah, the practical problems of SWYA…

I’m far, far away from any ocean. The nearest body of water is our big lake, which is not very big at all.

Also, tossing bottles into the lake is generally frowned upon here. Not just because littering is bad per se, but because bottles can break, and then people or dogs can step on shards…

In other words, I had to come up with a different solution for this task.

As a compromise I ended up folding a paper plane and writing my wish on the inside. Then I took my plane to the lake and threw my dream into space. It promptly did a nosedive into the water a few feet away from the shore.

Oh well.

But I’ve accomplished the tenth task!


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Festive Wossname! Happy Holidaze!

Instagram of Christmas tree with owl ornament

No matter what holidays or holy days you celebrate,
no matter if you feast under palm trees or icicles,
alone or with family or friends,
with noisy exultation or quiet introspection,
may your days be filled
with warmth and wonder,
with healing and happiness,
and much

And I hope you love

the cards

I did not send to you

because I donated the money instead via Good Gifts:

screencap of the good gift 'girl-friendly schooling'

for girl-friendly schooling: Give schoolgirls a voice In South Sudan’s classrooms, girls are seen but never heard, forbidden to ask questions or provide answers. Advance the cause of female independence in Saharan Africa by promoting education more sympathetic to females. Let schoolgirls speak out at last.

screencap of the good gift 'practical help to Nepal'

…and for practical help to Nepal: Help to rebuild a school on the southern edge of Katmandu, enabling its 250 students to get back to school and continue their education. Funds will also be used to help local families get back on their feet.

Instagram of two cats under the Christmas tree

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I am enough.

Writer, artist, sometime-scholar. Cat-friend. Daring dreamer. Fancrone!

Until Juno-the-cat died in 2015, she graciously shared her name with me, and I was JunoMagic.

Now I’m satismagic. I still believe in magic, especially in the magic woven with words and songs and stories. But most of all I want to remind myself that I am what my new name – the Latin word “satis” – means: enough.

(Lyrics: “You Are Enough” by Sleeping At Last)

P.S.: If you’re curious about the pronunciation of “Satis”, it’s /ˈsa.tis/ and you can listen to it over on Wiktionary, here.

P.P.S.: Thank you for asking about my pronouns. ♥

At the moment I would prefer it if you use just my name (Satis) and no pronouns.

However, I’m perfectly fine with singular “they” or with whatever is grammatically correct and respectful in your language.

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