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Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 3

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Day 03

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you’ve created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I’m just going to rec my epics, because I feel that’s kind of my trademark.

Last year I started writing a short story in February. I finished that “short story” this year in June. It’s 190,000 words long.

In other words, on my gravestone shall be written “This was meant to be a short story”.

I guess there are worse epitaphs to look forward to.

Therefore, if you like epics as much as I do, here you go:

  1. “Lothíriel”
    The story of Lothíriel. How to follow a rainbow. There and NOT back again. Tenth Walker Story.
    Lord of the Rings • Rating: M • 474,627 words • 2004/2005 • FFNet
  2. “The Apprentice and the Necromancer”
    Harry and his friends decide to save Snape from Azkaban and to find him a wife. Naturally, things go very wrong and Hermione ends up being volunteered for the job. Trying to win Snape’s trust as his apprentice, Hermione discovers that there’s more to Severus Snape than she ever knew. At her master’s side, she gets sucked into a web of political and magical intrigue, nefarious plots and evil schemes. Muggle-born witches and wizards die, Necromancers are afoot, a wizarding portrait stops moving, the Deathly Hallows disappear and resurface again…
    Harry Potter (HG/SS) • Rating: adult • 251,000 words • 2007/2008 • FancroneNet
  3. “The Resilience of Hope”
    Death brings a moment of revelation that redefines more than a friendship. Certain bonds are not meant to be broken. Sometimes hope conquers all. And what Jim and Spock can accomplish together will change more than one universe.
    (WIP! However, the complete first year of the mission is available for your reading pleasure so it doesn’t leave you hanging in a bad place.)
    Star Trek (K/S) • Rating: E • 163,499 words so far • 2013/2014 • AO3

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Fandom Snowflake Challenge, Day 2

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Day 2

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you’d love to receive, something you’ve wanted but were afraid to ask for – a fannish wish-list of sorts. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your wish-list if you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe someone will grant a wish. Check out other people’s posts. Maybe you will grant a wish. If any wishes are granted, we’d love it if you link them to this post.

ARGH! Why is this so difficult?

I guess I simply don’t have any big fandom wishes at the moment…

Okay, I’ll just close my eyes and jump. *takes a deep breath*


I’m always here for more Pinto! I’d especially love to read an intelligent, kind “first time” Pinto fic that takes place right now, or in the general timeframe of 2015/2016.

Essential ingredients: a happy ending (this should be the beginning of a relationship, not a one-time fling), Zach is not an asshole, Chris is not an idiot, and there are explicit sex scenes. Bonus points if there is a kitten involved.


Likewise I’m always here for a good pon farr story.

Essential ingredients: neither of Kirk nor Spock are broken but both are resilient; there is no Spuhura at all (or if there is, it’s resolved amicably before the story starts); pon farr is not rape but a normal and accepted part of Vulcan biology and culture; and of course there are ways and methods to make it safe and pleasurable for both parties. Bonus points if Spock Prime gets to teach Spock and Jim how to have a safe and happy pon farr.

Kate Daniels (by Ilona Andrews)

Aaand here’s the really weird wish. Post-“Magic Breaks”, a h/c threesome made up of Robert and Thomas Lonesco and Christopher.

Essential requirements: hurt/comfort, intimacy, happy ending.

Bonus Wish

If any of my stories (→ AO3 or → FFNet) speak to you and inspire you, I’m always happy to receive a fanwork, no matter if it’s a story or art or a playlist or whatever…

♥ Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my wishlist! ♥




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Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2016, Day 1

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Day 01

In your own space, talk about why you are doing the Fandom Snowflake Challenge? What drew you to it as a participant? What do you hope to accomplish by doing these challenges? Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

2015 was one of the worst years of my life so far because of [reasons]. I had to basically abandon all the fandom things I loved just to focus on surviving.

But I’m a bit better now, so I want to get more involved in fandom again.

Ever since I got active in online fandom in 2004, fandom has been one of the best parts of my life. I don’t want to lose that. I want to fight for that. I want to keep that.

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photo of my Maine Coon cat Minnie in the snow on the balcony

For 2016,
I wish you and your loved ones, far and near,
health, happiness, and good luck.
May you find the way you are looking for,
or at least: may your GPS never leave you stranded.
May the winds of fate
only make you stumble, but never bring you down on your knees.
May the sun shine warm upon your face and melt away all shadows –
but not your ice-cream.
May the rain start falling
(soft or cold, in a drizzle or a down-pour)
only after you’ve reached your destination.
May you find friends
in unexpected places, and meet them again
and again and again
in health and happiness.
And throughout the year,
every month,
every week,
every day,
every night,
every hour,
every minute,
every second,
I wish for you
that whatever you believe in
(be it the power of the divine or the power of reason,
philosophical ideals, small dreams or really big visions)
may be a blessing for you,
and guide you and guard you.

Until 2017.

photo of my Maine Coon cat Prudie in front of the snowy balcony

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Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2016

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I didn’t manage to do it this year, but maybe I’ll manage next year?

Anyone with me besides Dreamy Dragon?

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New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve at chez Magick:
Surf ‘n’ Turf with giant French fries, homemade aioli and spice butter,
a TON of mixed green salad (baby lettuce, rucola, radicchio, garden cress, red onion, and roasted pumpkin seeds) with a dressing whipped up from date balsam vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, a bit of mustard, a bit of honey, salt & pepper,
and as veggies: roasted green pimiento peppers, and fresh green beans.
The wine of the evening is a 2012 Corte Mayor Tempranillo (Old Vines, Cigales DO, Barón de Ley).
Have a good time tonight, everyone!

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Good Intentions . . .

…instead of resolutions or goals.

I’ve read a lot of psychology stuff this year, and one thing I’ve come across a couple of times is that there’s apparently evidence backing up the idea that people who focus on the process instead of on the outcome are happier and more successful.

Now apply that idea to New Year’s resolutions.

Don’t make resolutions. Don’t think of goals and outcomes. Focus on the process and the journey. Think of what you want to do – on the doing, not the having done.

I want to be careful with myself. I want to keep myself safe, sheltered and shielded. I need rest and comfort and support. I need ease and relief. Lightness instead of tightness.

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